Thursday, August 17, 2006

Airflow Simulator is suited for automotive industry

Designed to simulate airflow conditions produced while driving, mobile Fahrtwind-Simulator type VQF is suited for use on vehicle fronts, including radiator and car's underside with exhaust system. Built-in tangential fan ensures uniform laminar airflow with exact reproducibility. Also used for climate simulations, unit features air intake from top, internal 90[degrees] airflow deflection, and fully adjustable speed control for simulations up to 100 mph.

SPARTANBURG, SC --- The simulation of the airflow produced while driving is necessary when testing vehicles on test stands, and these simulations should be done as closely as possible to real-life conditions. This means life-like airflow conditions must be produced on the vehicles front including the radiator and the car's underside with the exhaust system.

To do this, the LTG Fahrtwind*-Simulator with built-in tangential fan perfectly meets the strict requirements and ensures a uniform laminar airflow with exact reproducibility. Significant space reduction is achieved through air intake from the top and a 90[degrees] airflow deflection inside the unit. The units, which can also be used for climate simulations, are provided with a fully adjustable speed control and are designed for a simulation range of up to 100 mph (almost any speed can be built, 125 mph is the fastest we have built to this point).

The mobile Fahrtwind-Simulator type VQF, already being used with great success by leading car manufacturers, is available in different models ready to plug in with integrated or separate operating panels and continuously electronic adjustable air outlet level to perfectly match any vehicle from sports cars to off-road truck/SUV. Various pre-programmed simulation programs may also be used with an optional remote control. This fan technology is also available as a simple fan or blower without the Fahrtwind mechanism and electronics.

All "Code of Federal Regulations" and "FEE Automotive Engineering/EWG/ECE" requirements are met.

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