Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hurricanes and Mobile Video in Your SUV

If you live in a hurricane prone area and you have found yourself evacuating at least two times per year then it makes sense to put a mobile video system in your SUV. Why you ask? Well, consider the evacuation in Houston Texas during hurricane Rita, which turned at the last-minute and slammed into Louisiana's southwestern coastline.

Some people evacuating the city said they were in traffic 15 hours just to get as far as Dallas or San Antonio. If you have a mobile video player in your SUV installed prior to the mandatory evacuation then while stuck in traffic all day and watch movies or DVDs. If you live in Florida or along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Texas you should definitely get a mobile video for your car. How much does a mobile video system costs?

Well, some of the ads that we see from Best Buy or Circuit City show a good mobile video system for his lowly as $499 and more expensive systems up into the $3000 range. Anyone who has ever been stuck in one of those colossal traffic jams trying to get away from a large category hurricane strike knows exactly what I am saying and they would also advise the purchase of a mobile video system for your car or SUV. Please consider this in 2006.

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