Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Why A Family Cell Phone Plan Might Not Be Right For You

Every day you see an ad for T Mobile's Family Plan in the newspaper or on the TV. You've got a family (maybe two) and you're itching to sign up. Well, hold your horses there for a second. Maybe this isn't the best idea for you.

Here is a list of reasons why you may not want to sign up for a family plan:

1. Your family members don't talk on the phone. Seems pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised. You could have a $50 individual plan for yourself or a $70 plan for you and your spouse who never remembers to take their phone anywhere. The math is pretty simple.

2. Your family members talk on the phone too much. I love my mother too but the thought of sharing her cell phone minutes is terrifying. To make sure there would be enough minutes between the two of us we'd have to get a very expensive plan. That's fine for my mother but if I'm splitting the cost with her I'm wasting lots of money on minutes that she'll be using.

3. Your family lives in areas with bad coverage. My family lives where there's great Sprint coverage. I live where the T Mobile coverage is excellent. For us to go in on a family plan would be pointless. One of us would always have bad reception.

4. You don't trust your family. Some people have sketchy uncles and siblings. Why give them a phone that's linked to your credit card? Bad idea.

There are many excellent reasons to get a family plan. But think of these reason before you decide. Maybe one (or more) of them apply to you.

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